Thursday, July 27, 2006

Before you buy that home, get your financial ducks in a row: 10 nasty money habits to kick

One offer of advice I always give to those who are looking to buy a home is to start preparing months in advance, and get your "Financial Ducks in a Row".

First, get a free credit report so you can see what is being reported on your behalf, and to clear up any errors in the report in time before the eleventh hour when you need to pull that trigger on a home purchase.

Second ease your debt and start saving your money for closing costs and a down payment. The lower your debt is in relation to your credit limit, the less risky you will appear to a borrower. Also, you should show you have enough money in the bank or investments to cover a downpayment, closing costs and a few months of mortgage payments. The more you have saved, the better you will appear as a borrower, and the less hassle you will get when you finally get to apply for that mortgage.

This article is a great guide in putting you on your way in getting your financial ducks in a row:

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